Les photo's floues dans mon salons


Those photo's were token this morning, in my living room. Again with my mobile phone, so you can't see my outfit really good. If my camera is repaired, I will make some clarifying photo's of what I wear today. But on the other side I think, the effect is just really interesting...
oh and when I went to school by train this morning, I fainted. No idea why, but it was so wretched... Now I'm back home and I'm feeling nouseous and weak. Hope this feeling gets over soon....

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5 opmerkingen:

Unknown zei

Great post! Love the shoes!!

Come visit my blog!!!


Nancy Wilde zei

I love your hair!!!


Joana zei

cool ;) visit my fashion blog, lots of outfit ideas! - http://joanakoleva.blogspot.com

Elisa zei

I´m in love with those woolly jackets and this is even better because it´s burgundy color. I love it.

Lisanne zei

nice outfit!

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